a mom and dad hold newborn during photo session

How I Am Prepping For A Newborn – Mom Of 3 In OKC

Family during in living room with toddler playing on floor

The Fourth Trimester slash that postpartum time – it can be a huge blur but also a sweet season as time seems to stand still yet at the same time flies by. It’s weird. It’s hard. And it’s beautiful. As an OKC mama who has 2 babies and now just went through a 3rd time prepping for a newborn, I’m sharing some of the things that I find helpful to think about each time.

It’s so easy when prepping for a newborn to think just about the baby registry, your hospital bag and all “the STUFF” but reality is that getting ready is so much more than that! Emotional, physical and the practical daily things like food prep and laundry are some of the most important pieces of a smoother postpartum season.

I like to think of categories when prepping for this season. Breaking it down and thinking through these areas helps to make it not quite so overwhelming. And also a big shoutout to my doula Miranda of Sooner State Doula for giving me even more practical ideas for my 3rd go around with prepping for bringing a new baby home!

a little girl looks at camera during photo session.

And also just remember you can still have a beautiful newborn season even if you don’t get all the prep done. With my first my pregnancy drastically changed when at 31 weeks we discovered she had severe IUGR and lived 2 hours away from the care we needed. Multiple appointments every week and the drive meant I didn’t get much more done before she came. Then with my second I got severely ill right at the beginning of my third trimester – changing all my pregnancy plans. The rest of pregnancy included lots of rest and care while I recoevered, again lots of appointments and then my baby being born right as all the 2020 lockdowns started.

Another key part you might wish to have in prepping for a newborn is hiring a postpartum doula to help with many of these things. A postpartum doula can help with meal prep, allowing you as a mom to get some sleep, laundry services, breastfeeding or other feeding support or more. Check out my page on OKC Postpartum Doulas to see some of the best around.

My 5 Categories In Prepping For A Newborn

Prepping Food

As I headed into my third time of being a breastfeeding mom, I knew just how hungry one can get in those postpartum days. And also my family of 5 still gets hungry. What? A new baby around…and yet they need food at least 3 times a day. (Although really with kids it feels like every 1/2 hr or less. IYKYK.) I also know that I needed nutritional food to keep those hungry pangs at bay and to feel my best.

So prepping food for those postpartum days was a top priorities. This can include everything from cleaning out pantries, fridges, etc and big stock up runs to Costco. But it can also include several other areas. Here are a few things to think about:

  • Freezer Food
  • meals I make ahead myself (things like taco meat, chili soup, zuppa tuscan soup, etc)
    • snacks (things like lactation cookies, protein balls)
  • meals from Costco or Aldi
  • Consider getting a subscription to a food delivery service. We were gifted a few months to Hello Fresh with our second. It was so handy. Everything came prepped and made it easy to put together.
Mom poses at Myriad Gardens in OKC maternity photos.

Prepping My Household and Childcare

Think through your household duties. Are you stocked up on things like toilet paper, etc? What duties you can outsource…do you have a friend who can come do laundry a few times a week or would it be better to hire a laundry service for a few weeks or months? What about house cleaning? Consider hiring a local service like to come do a few cleanings.

Don’t forget childcare when prepping for your new addition. If you have other children consider things like if they are in daycare or school who will pick up and drop off? If they are at home do you have a babysitter who can come a few times a week to give them attention and focused care? Or what about going to Grandma’s house?

Can you hire out some duties like laundry service? or hire a cleaning service for a time or two?

Prepping To Get Out

While I’m in full agreement to rest as much as possible those first several weeks, when you did feel some energy or the itch to get out one of the best places is to get out into nature! Being in open outdoor spaces can refresh your soul like no other and is great for mama and baby.

A few of my favorite outdoors spaces in Oklahoma City:

  • Myriad Gardens (the indoor Crystal Bridge is amazing during the winter times when you need a bit of green in your life!) at 301 W Reno Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73102-5030
  • Lake Hefner
  • local parks like Hafer Park, Whispering Heights, Scissortail Park
Consider: do you have what you need to be able to get outdoors – a carrier, a stroller, etc?
Mom poses at Myriad Gardens in OKC maternity photos.

Prepping Emotionally

With my first I went through postpartum anxiety (PPA) without realizing really what it was. Life was definitely crazy and wild during my first little one’s first year of life (we were living in between two states in multiple homes). I knew to be on the watch for PPD but had no clue what PPA was. Thankfully we got through that season but there’s a lot I do choose to do different now.

So for the third time around of prepping for a newborn I knew that I needed be proactive about setting up supports so that in those newborn fog days I can have others support. And to be honest prepping emotionally doesn’t just mean for those first 3 months. You need support Mama as motherhood is quite a ride!

A few ways to prep emotionally:

  • folks you can talk too (who can I text, call, etc on hard days, in the middle of the night?)
  • know where you can find Mom friends (groups like Nurture Mamas, MOPS, Mom Walk OKC)
  • Therapy – do you have a past therapist you can go ahead and set up check ins with?
  • Know how to contact Postpartum Support International to be able to find a counselor
  • Lactation Support (sometimes feeding struggles can be the hardest part next to sleep with a new baby – getting support helps so much!)
Mom poses at Myriad Gardens in OKC maternity photos.

Prepping Postpartum Baskets 

Last of all one thing I was so glad in prepping for a newborn this past time – setting up supply stations so that I have what I need for breastfeeding, middle of the night diaper changes, etc within handy reach!

  • Breastfeeding Cart – I will do a detailed post on this but basics is this can go anywhere in the house with me and be in handy reach.
  • Bedside Basket – putting what I need for nursing and diaper changes in the night (hakka, diapers, wipes, change of clothes, snacks, nightlight, etc)
  • Mama’s Postpartum Basket – this can go easily into the bathroom with me frida bottle, mama diapers, dermaplast, nipple cream, lotion
And extra way I’m prepping for a newborn? Having booked our newborn photographer before my third trimester so that when baby comes I can get that session scheduled quickly. If you are expecting and in the OKC area then I would be honored to be your newborn photographer! Reach out and let’s get your session on the schedule!

Hopefully this post was helpful to you whether you are prepping for your first baby or fifth. If you have other things you think are important share it below in the comments. We mamas can learn so much for each other. You’ve got this mama!

Other helpful posts in prepping for a newborn in your life:

Hospital Delivery Bag Checklist

OKC Doulas

Mom poses at Myriad Gardens in OKC maternity photos.

Author Bio:

Charis is a wife, mamma to 3 and a lifestyle newborn photographer serving the Oklahoma City area. Lifestyle sessions focus on the connection, joy and love that is abundant in your family. With over 5 years of experience in serving families, Charis loves helping families to feel relax and have fun at their sessions. She is a member of PPA and National Association of Child Photographers.

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