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Couples Photo Session at George Sutton Wilderness Park

a late fall photo session for this cute couple celebrating their 10th anniversary!

A very popular spot for hiking, running and for photo sessions in the Norman area is the George Sutton Wilderness Park. I’ve been there for numerous explorations with my girls…spring, summer and fall are such pretty times. And because of all that beauty it’s hopping with photo sessions. It can get crazy busy with other photographers so it’s not always my favorite place for sessions (and parking can get hard!) but it is a fun spot.

This couple was a blast! It was their anniversary and they spur of the moment jumped to do a session. What an awesome idea! I love celebrating people and getting to capture this couple doing something to celebrate their life together was so great! Enjoy this anniversary Sutton Wilderness Park photo session.

sutton wilderness park photo session 2021
sutton cep nov2021 8654
sutton wilderness park photo session photographer 2021 images family pics 8669
sutton wilderness park cep nov2021 8797
sutton wilderness park cep nov2021 8687

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