A mom holds her baby in a ring sling during a motherhood photo session.

How to pick the right baby wearing carrier

Ready to jump into the journey of baby wearing but overwhelmed with trying to figure out which carrier you should purchase and what is best for you? You’re in the right place…read on

Somewhere I read that it’s international baby wearing week (but upon checking further I’m not sure that’s true but we’ll just pretend it is. :)). So I thought I’d share a few of my favorite baby carriers as well as some of my favorite baby wearing resources.

Baby wearing is a practice that has been around for hundreds (and probably a lot more than that) years. There are numerous benefits found for both mom and baby. Whether you are making dinner, keeping baby away from germs, cleaning or needing your baby to take a nap when one is out and about, these are all ways baby wearing can come in handy.

In the early years of my mothering, I lived in Brooklyn, NY. A baby carrier saved the day for traveling around the City! With public transit and various situations, a carrier enabled me to get around for my errands and exploring with ease.

Babywearing also was a vital part in both my experiences with my girls as they need to be held close due to NICU stays and then of course with my second child it was an easy way to get things done!

But baby wearing was not the seamless, easy, natural journey I thought it would be. 

After me and my little one paced the time for wraps I struggled to find a carrier that we liked — both me and my little girl.

In the early days with my first a soft carrier like the Solly Wrap worked great but then we ready for the next stage. For a few months we liked the Becco Gemini since she only liked facing outward but it never felt comfortable to wear for long periods of time. Then we tried the Ergo 360.

And then we didn’t have any for a long time. 

Then I discovered there were groups on Facebook for baby wearing and discovered some beautiful companies and the huge world of many types of carriers.

After waiting, watching and getting to try them out – my little girl and I fell in love with the the Sakura Bloom Scout. Soft lien with comfortable leather straps, this carrier actually makes my little girl beg to be worn. 

It’s easy to care for and wash. It can be used from newborn to toddler. 

I can’t wait to try out ring slings with my next little one coming along and excited about a whole world to explore.

My #1 tip – borrow and try out several kinds and see what works for you. 

Solly Wraps – a perfect way to snuggle in that new little babe. I loved using wraps with my new baby as it keeps them close and safe and also out of hands that might want to touch them when you are out and about. 

I also tried out this brand and was very happy with it.  

Sakura Bloom – a wide variety of their own custom carriers handcrafted beautifully in the US.

Wildbird – ring slings in many types of fabrics, colors and sizes. Beautifully made made by independent seamstress and beautiful fabrics.

With my second we started out with a ring sling and loved it! She soon grew to be big enough for the Sakura Bloom scout and we were in love. My lein and silk slings were used daily for the first 12-15 months. Silk is wonderful as it can get wet!


find your local baby wearing group – this way you can find a way to try many different kinds and figure out what might work best. Many women will let you borrow for a time bit.

check out the BST groups of each brand – these are places to get carriers that have been loved but still have lots of life left in them.

YouTube Moms – these are great resources for watching and getting help.

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