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Baby Coming Home -Support for New Families in OKC

Excellent Support for New Parents and Their Little Ones

Leaving the hospital or birthing center with a precious bundle of newborn life is full of excitement. But it can also be a bit overwhelming. I well remember the feelings of walking out those doors and thinking “what in the world do we think we’re doing? A tiny little bundle that is now completely in my control. How do I know what it needs? Is that cry because baby is hungry? Does it have gas? Is it tired? Who can I ask about this?”

And then there’s the issue of tiredness, and household chores, and making food, and more tiredness all piled on top of caring for this beautiful bundle. Is there any help for tired parents?

Yes there is!

An Interview with Andrea from Baby Coming Home

I’m excited to bring you an interview with Andrea Tremor, the Administrative Coordinator from Baby Coming Home, a local OKC company that provides support for new families after their little one has arrived.

What is the heart behind Baby Coming Home?

We love moms and babies!  Becoming a mom and bringing home a newborn is such a special time.  Our heart is for moms, babies and the family unit.  Helping moms learn their baby and teaching moms how to deepen their trust in their natural mothering instincts is our specialty.  So much information in the newborn world is “fear based”. We help filter through all the noise and help you approach your newborn with confidence and a common sense method of care for your newborn.

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Can you give a brief overview of the services you provide to support for new families?

Baby Coming Home provides daytime and nighttime support for moms.  Primarily we focus on nighttime care as we assist with sleeping training your infant, allowing you to get the rest you need!  We assist in lactation support, feeding support and daytime and night time schedules.  Your newborn care specialist is there to walk alongside you and your new little one.  Some other duties we perform would be baby laundry, washing and sterilizing bottles and/or pumping equipment.  Each of our Newborn Care Specialists have a true servants heart and love for mom and baby.  That type of NCS we hire is what sets Baby Coming Home apart!

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I’d love to hear a bit more about the history of Baby Coming Home. When and why was it started?

Baby Coming Home was started by Debby Bostrom.  Since 1968, Debby Bostrom enjoyed living as an American in European and Latin American cultures where she had the privilege of observing, learning, assimilating, and practicing first-hand their traditional and natural methods of infant care. From natural births with midwives to the ‘make-shift’ conditions of newborn care in destitute villages, Debby gleaned a wealth of knowledge and experience in the simple, basic, practical techniques that moms have used worldwide for centuries. Debby and the office team have sought out newborn care specialists that are quite distinctive in the baby care services they provide. By blending old-fashioned, time-proven methods with many new 21st Century baby care techniques, Debby and her team bring a distinguishing uniqueness to the quality of infant care they offer. Debby has also incorporated a number of effective methods learned while living in those other cultures, drawing upon their centuries-old proven and natural methods of coping with the difficulties babies often experience. Debby’s services as a newborn care specialist have been sought after by many parents since 1996 in the Dallas Metroplex. Additionally, her breadth of experience, expertise, and love of babies have led to opportunities in major cities nationwide. As the demand for her services grew, she found other like-minded, highly qualified, skilled ladies to add to the services she has provided. Those numerous newborn care specialists have all contributed to the success and popularity of her business, as their references and repeat customer base readily confirm.

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What type of training is required for those that work for Baby Coming Home?  

Baby Coming Home has an in house training program that each of our team members must complete. Additionally, they are required to complete continuing education hours every year either provided by Baby Coming Home or other outside education resource providers. They are also all infant CPR/first aide certified.

What types of families benefit from your services?

We are a great fit for new and experienced moms!  Even if you have multiple children you are a “new mom” again with each of your babies.  If you have more than one child you know that each baby is so different.  If you are looking for some guidance with nursing, feeding, scheduling or just need an extra set of hands give us a call.   Our newborn care specialist are great at discerning their role for each family we help.  We adapt to the needs of mom and baby and are always a “gentle presence in your home”.

You Get in touch with BCH through their website – Baby Coming Home.

I know all the information above is valuable, but I also know how much it helps to hear real life experiences from those who have already used a service in the past. So I thought I would share some testimonies of other families that have used Baby Coming Home’s services

Reviews from past clients of Baby Coming Home

 “When Debby met us at our house the day we brought home our son, she walked in the door and greeted us with warmth and understanding.  She immediately put me at ease, which is quite a statement coming from a first time mother.  When you have your first child, you are overwhelmed with a combination of fear and uncertainty, coupled with a deep sense of protectiveness of your new baby.  The comfort of someone like Debby during this time is irreplaceable.  We hired Debby because all our friends recommended her and her group.  So we were confident of her talents.  Debby brought with her a calmness that embraced all three of us during her stay.  She was a kind, loving presence in our home.  I had been around children and babies all my life, but nothing prepared me for actually having one of my own.  I read what felt like hundreds of books and none of them really taught me how to be a mother.  In face so many of the books contradicted one another that I ended up more confused than before.  So you can imagine the value of having someone like Debby to teach you the basics of motherhood, as well as some very special secrets.  She taught me how to bathe my son, how to feed him, how to burp him, how to handle his circumcision, how to get him on a consistent sleep schedule, how to create a safe, predictable routine for him to follow each day, how to swaddle him, how to make his crib more cozy and soothing, and how to relax and cherish the first few weeks of his life.  These are just a few of the things Debby can offer a family with a new baby.  Today we consider Debby a part of the family. I cannot put into words how grateful we are to Debby.  We will always treasure her time in our home.”

“Baby Coming Home has been such a lifesaver on so many levels.  They placed us with a Newborn Care Specialist who was the perfect fit for our family after a comprehensive meeting.  They also provided me with a list of things to buy to set up the nursery and some reading to help me get ready for twins.  However, their help didn’t end there.  BCH worked to make sure I had someone even when the twins came 6 weeks early, and came home under 4lbs each.  BCH supervised the whole placement and made sure things were going okay offering advice when needed and made sure to stop in and see us.  Our NCS was wonderful and so nurturing.  She was a guardian angel and I can’t recommend Baby Coming Home enough.

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Andrea Tremor – Administrative Coordinator for Baby Come Home

Hey there! I’m so glad you took a minute to read this post. I’m a lifestyle family and newborn photographer serving the metro OKC area through storytelling photos. I give you the chance to remember the little details in the big moments of life. Soak in the moments and I’ll be your memory catcher!

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